Facelift / Necklift


Facial aging is caused by descent and redistribution of skin and fatty tissue, loss of skin elasticity, as well as exposure to the elements, and genetics. Deep wrinkles on your cheeks, creases descending from the nose to the corners of your mouth, and sagging in the middle and lower portion of your face and neck are usually addressed with a facelift and/or necklift.

Standard incisions begin at the temples near your hairline, and extending downward along the front of your ear, and they then wrap around below the ear to end near the bottom of your scalp. This enables adjustment of the position of your muscles and the underlying tissues of your face, jowls, and neck. Excess skin is trimmed, and incisions are sewn. It will take you about two weeks to recover fully from a facelift procedure.

Conducting a facelift requires a high degree of surgical skill, and the negative effects of a bad one are highly visible. That’s why it’s essential that your facelift be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. A good one will restore a youthful look without making your skin appear stretched or pulled.

Other procedures can be combined including browlift, eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), and fat grafting (lipotransfer). A common area addressed at the time of facelift is excess fatty tissue under the chin or on the neck, removed with submental liposuction. This gives a more angular look to the jaw and neck.

Wrinkles can be further reduced using injections and skin care products. We may recommend that you see a dermatologist for laser resurfacing for finer lines.



4-8 Hours


“Twilight Anesthesia”–You will be awake but given continuous intravenous sedation combined with local anesthetic for a swift and nausea-free wakeup and comfort throughout the surgery



Side Effects

Temporary swelling, bruising, numbness and some pain


Pain, bleeding, infection, damage to nerves, incomplete improvement, asymmetry, infection

To start your journey to a more beautiful you, contact our office to make an appointment.

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