
Breast Asymmetry

Asymmetries of the breast can occur for different reasons during infancy, puberty, or breastfeeding. The specific surgical approach taken depends on the factors causing the asymmetry. Dr. Robinson will do a detailed assessment and together you will choose the option that is best for you.

Simple breast asymmetry might be amenable to a single implant or implants on both sides that vary slightly in size. If the smaller breast requires a greater amount of skin to accommodate an implant and/or to level the nipple heights, an expandable breast implant may be used, which may stay in place or be exchanged for a permanent implant at a later date. Expandable breast implants require repeated periods of injection of fluid into the implant to stretch and recreate skin.

One breast smaller than the other with or without chest wall and hand anomalies might be an indication of something called Poland’s Syndrome.  This is a condition thought to arise from an interruption of the blood supply during embryonic development. A soft tissue flap from your back called a latissimus dorsi flap with or without an implant may address this. Drains may be used that are generally removed after 1-2 weeks.

Sometimes breast asymmetry exists as part of a ‘tuberous’ breast appearance, where there is a constriction of the base of the breast with drooping and enlarged areolae. In this scenario, breast tissue expanders and/or implants are used in combination with reducing the size of the areolae and reshaping the breast tissue.



2-3 hours





Side Effects

Temporary swelling, bruising, and some pain


Pain, infection, under or overcorrection, adverse scarring, healing delay, seroma, hematoma, implant-related complications


Light duties: 1 week. More strenuous activity: 4 weeks

Final Appearance

3 months, depending on whether tissue expanders are used.

Duration Results


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